Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Topic : Restaurant Owner

Introduction :
You are a restaurant owner. You want to promote a special Melanau dish during Kaul Festival. You must prepare and promote the dish in April,  2011 at your restaurant.

Task :
You must prepare a brochure to inform the public and dietician about a special dish. Display your brochure at the restaurant.

1.     Select a brochure template.
2.     Search for pictures and information on a special dish with the recipe from two websites given.
3.     Complete the brochure with pictures and text.
4.     Include other information such as the name, address and map of the restaurant.
5.     Cite all resources, example the address of websites.
6.     Use the brochure evaluation to help you design the brochure
7.     Present or display your brochures at your restaurant during “Kaul Festival”



Brochure Assessment Rubric

Use this rubric as you create your Unit Plan to self-assess the quality of your brochure.






My brochure matches and addresses all of the targeted CS and objectives of the talk and origami competition.

The brochure provides valid and reliable information about the talk and origami competition.

The brochure design is attractive and interesting.

The brochure is supported with suitable and attractive graphics.

My brochure matches and addresses most of the targeted CS and objectives of the talk and origami competition.

The brochure provides enough information about the talk and origami competition.

The brochure design is interesting.

The brochure is supported with suitable graphics.

My brochure matches and addresses some of the targeted CS and objectives of the talk and origami competition..

The brochure provides limited information about the talk and origami competition.

The brochure design is interesting but need to improve it.

The brochure is supported with limited graphics.

My brochure does not match or address the targeted CS and objectives of the talk and origami competition.

The brochure does not provide information in details about the talk and origami competition.

The brochure design is not interesting at all.

The brochure is not supported with graphics at all.


Plan a  promotion at your restaurant during “Kaul Festival” to display your brochure about the special dish.


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